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Are You Addicted to Weaponry?

weaponry addictWeaponry holds a particular fascination for certain people, particularly men. Where as an addiction to shoes is found more commonly among women, an addiction to different types of weaponry is more commonly found among men, and is likely associated with testosterone. A fascination with weaponry usually begins forming at an early age and is frequently passed down from parents or other close family members. When someone is addicted to weaponry, they usually have large collections of guns, knives, swords, crossbows and other instruments of defense. Taking an interest in these items is fine, but when interest becomes obsession, problems can arise.

Guns have been a topic of much heated debate recently in North America. There is no weapon available to the public that does more damage than a gun. Whether it is a rifle, shotgun, handgun or other variety of gun, it is by far the most lethal weapon a person can legally possess. Many people are fighting to change this, of course, but for the owners of large gun collections, a right to bare arms is something willing to fight for. Those who are legitimately addicted to guns, who invest excessive amounts of time, energy and money on guns, are particularly adamant about their right to bare arms.

People can become equally addicted to their collection of knives, swords and other sharp weapons. These addictions also demonstrate a level of devotion to weapons that goes far beyond what is normal or healthy. When those who live with the addict complain about the pervasiveness of the collection, when the addict is unable to manage their finances due to excessive weaponry purchases or when responsibilities in the addict’s personal life are neglected due to focus on weaponry, it may be time to seek intervention.

If you or someone you care about is overly involved with their weaponry collection to the point of dysfunction, reach out for the help of a professional addiction counselor or interventionist. Any type of addiction, no matter how obscure, can be destructive to the addict’s life. To assist people with addictions of any form, you should check out christian rehabilitation centers for professional support.


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