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There are some people who are fascinated with guns, which has been regarded as gun addiction by some quarters. However, there are other school of thoughts which believe that, there is nothing like gun addiction, and those who love guns are better referred to as gun enthusiasts.

In North America for instance, there is an increasing rate of gun violence, and there have been rising talks concerning the banning of guns or not. There is also a controversy concerning the ownership of guns based on the fact that that gun violence is on the rise, and people feel it is because some jurisdictions have permitted private gun ownership and use as well.

A good number of people are of the opinion that, the permit application processes behind gun ownership, is not enough, as more should be added in order to make the screening process more profound. They believe that if this is not in place, guns would end up in the hands of people who are not mentally stable, and it could serve as a force for ending the lives of innocent citizens.

Also, it also suggests that there would be an increase in the rate of violent crimes which are committed in the state. Hence, the screening process needs to be tighter than before. It is easy for you to spot a gun addict.

The individual would want to go everywhere with a gun. The individual has this fear that, if he does not go along with his gun often, he might be greeted with a surprise attack, wherein he would not be able to defend himself. Hence, there comes a need to possess a gun and be with it from time to time.

People such as this are certainly mentally unstable, as they have this fear of insecurity. At any small instance, you might be surprised that these people would pull out their guns and point at anyone who serves as a potential threat to them.

Gun addiction is basically a compulsive and obsessive desire to possess and own a gun at will. It is very dangerous and should not be encouraged, as people in this category are usually not mentally stable.


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