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Is It Practical to Collect Guns?

In today’s world, guns have become a controversial issue. Many debates arise as to whether it is practical and safe to own a firearm. For those who are interested in collecting guns, the same questions arise. Is collecting guns a safe and practical endeavor?

The truth is that collecting guns can be both safe and practical. In fact, more and more people are collecting guns as a hobby. It is an incredibly rewarding hobby, as it allows you to develop a bond with your firearms and explore different historical firearms. Additionally, it can take up very little room and be surprisingly affordable.

When it comes to safety, it is essential to store guns properly. This means taking all necessary precautions to ensure that guns are securely stored away from little ones and unauthorized individuals. It is important to follow all local regulations and laws, as well as using an appropriate safety lock and/or alarm system. Additionally, knowing how to handle your firearms safety is essential. Taking a certified safety class or two is a great way to ensure you are handling your firearms safely.

Beyond safety, collecting guns can be quite practical. There are a variety of guns available from the past and present, making it relatively easy to find a style or particular model that suits your desires. For instance, you may want to collect military-style firearms from World War II or perhaps specialty handguns from the 19th century. Additionally, guns hold their value if properly maintained which can make it a great investment. Furthermore, it can be quite a lucrative hobby as dealers often pay a premium for antique and rare guns.

A key aspect to collecting guns is having a strong knowledge of gun types. It is important to learn about various firearms and have a basic understanding of what makes them valuable. One of the greatest aspects of collecting guns is that the market and trends are always changing, so keep up with any news related to firearms. Additionally, joining a collector’s guild or club can be a great way to learn more about different firearms and build your network of collectors.

Overall, collecting guns can be a safe and practical hobby. It can provide a diverse array of opportunities to explore history, make a potential investment, and build a strong skill set. However, it is important to be mindful of safety and have an understanding of the various firearms and their respective values. If these things are taken care of, it can be an incredibly rewarding and practical hobby to have.

Reasons why guns should not be for everybody

In America, gun debates are often cast as a standoff between two irreconcilable positions that can be approached without much promise for legislative change. Gun ownership attitudes have been obstructed by thinking about gun ownership as a matter of rational choice economics instead of considering their larger sociocultural contexts. These are nothing but mere explanations of the principles of the law.

The debate about owning guns should not be a matter of debate. Rather it should be a straightforward, objective decision. Guns have been a device of war for the last twenty years and beyond. It has imprinted in the hearts of men a certain fear that permeates all through several generations. 

However, to change this status quo, we must review why not everyone should be given the right to bear guns or arms in general. By doing so, we can objectively decide on the situation.

Reasons why guns should not be for everybody including:

  • There has been continuous gun abuse

Although the government has been a strong organization in ensuring only those responsible and obedient to the law get to use guns. However, this is not always the case. The process is not flawed, but it is not always a good measure of who should use a gun.

For instance, the massacre in Las Vegas was carried out by a shooter with no record of crimes and misconduct. This means, by the standards, he has the right to carry a gun. 

With such a flawless record, it is unexpected that someone like that will kill over sixty people and inflict injuries on five hundred and twenty others. The bottom line is, you’re never truly sure about people.

  • People are always in fear of something. 

It doesn’t matter how well you treat someone; inherent in every man is that fear factor. In a situation where the fear is vivid and metal-real, you cannot predict the reaction of a gun owner. In most cases, it is even impossible to determine if the gun owner is trained or obtained the gun illegally.

The grey areas in this are quite high and should not be given to chance. Whichever it is, we should be reminded that these gun owners can determine whether someone stays alive or will be dead.

What is Gun addiction?

Americans have a unique fascination with guns as a consumer product.  In theory, they can satisfy as any other consumer product can.  A good way to feel better is to purchase one. 

However, guns also make some people feel powerful in ways that other consumer products do not.  Death and life are in their hands.  For those who feel recurrently threatened or insecure, the purchase and possession of these items can provide a tremendous high.  In the world of consumer goods, they are the heroin. 

Some people are so high that they can’t help but buy the biggest weapon they can find.  This “highness” even pushes them to buy more and more of these weapons as the kick increases.

Many of these avid customers do not commit mass murder, as we should all know.  However, their consumerism has enabled those who are.  Gun addicts need guns to feel normal, so they want to ensure nothing stands in their way of buying guns. 

They have no responsibility for a mass killing that might result from unregulated gun sales.  It doesn’t even occur to them that it is a problem since they are addicts.  They look at things only from their point of view.

You would surely fight to preserve your rights, your supply if you had virtually unlimited access to heroin as a heroin addict.  Gun addicts are no different.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, a fundamental signaling molecule in the brain. Our feelings of engagement, excitement, creativity and the desire to investigate and make sense of the world are influenced by its presence. It is released whenever we encounter something new or take a risk.

As soon as dopamine becomes hardwired into a psychological reward loop, the brain’s overriding preoccupation becomes obtaining more dopamine. Cocaine, for instance, is widely regarded as one of the most addictive drugs in the world. It floods the brain with dopamine and blocks its reuptake.

Shooting a muzzleloader—for example—would release dopamine, but it would take too long since multiple shots would require a significant reward loop to occur. A short-barreled weapon like a machine gun, however, is close to the sweet spot. A machine gun can fire an episode every 100 milliseconds. The point is that guns are addictive, but automatic weapons are even more so.

The unhealthy fascination of guns

Just as we are fascinated by various things in our world, it would come as no surprise that some people are fascinated by guns. With the rate of violence involving guns, it is correct to state that some of them were out of pure fascination for weaponry.

Guns fascination usually starts off with a harmless interest. From there, it develops and the individual becomes addicted or obsessed with guns.

At any slight provocation, they can threaten to shoot anyone who angers them. More so, these people would always have a gun by their side for fear of being harmed.

The unhealthy fascination of guns is an addiction practice that can be stopped. One way to achieving this is helping the individual involved achieve balance in their mental health.

Someone who is obsessed over guns could go bankrupt trying to get the latest models. And this can come at the cost of their relationships too.

Such individuals have to be helped to figure out the root cause of their fascination. The satisfying part is, gun addiction can be treated but the individual has to first admit their addiction.

The individual’s admittance helps the rehab figure out how to create a treatment plan for the individual.

It is important to know that treating the unhealthy fascination of guns is one of the ways to reduce the rate of crime and violence in the society.

People who pull out guns to hurt others when they are angered will no longer do so because they will have a better understanding of the essence of preserving human lives.

More so, children are at risk if you are unnecessarily fascinated by guns. Children have a quick way of learning fast and when they see you love guns so much, they could pick up the habit.

When this happens, the worst case scenario is they could inadvertently hurt you, themselves or anyone around them.  

Why guns should be beyond the reach of children

Children should never be allowed to hold guns because they are not matured to do so. We could have guns for security purposes but it should not be within the reach of children.

Some parents make the mistake of allowing their children get access to guns, which should be totally discouraged.  

Below are few reasons why children should not get access to guns

They could harm themselves

Generally, children do not know how to handle and operate guns except if they are taught. If a child sees a gun lying around carelessly, there is a chance that they will want to play around with it.

More so, the movies and cartoons children watch these days have guns and other weapons featured in them.

Hence, when children see these guns, they might want to practice what they see on the television or the internet, and inadvertently injure themselves.

They could harm other people

Asides from harming themselves, children could harm other people. For instance, some children could take the guns to school and show their classmates. In the process of figuring out how the gun works, anyone could get shot.

They could become more violent

Some children can be so smart to the point that they won’t let you know they have access to the guns.

When you are not available at home, they go to where the gun is and practice with it. Some of them become violent in the process as they see what people on the media do with guns.

Parents are advised to always look out for their children especially if they have guns around. Children have become so smart and curious in this digital age that they want to try everything they lay eyes and hands on.

Therefore, if you are keeping a gun for security purposes, you must never let your child come near it. Better still, you can prevent your child from knowing you have a gun so that they would not search for it in your absence.  


It would be surprising to hear that there are people who have a love for guns. These set of people would love to have one in their possession and carry with them everywhere they go.

This love for gun is very likely fueled by the desire to offer themselves the best of protection, owing to the fact that the world is not really a safe place to leave yourself unprotected.

The love for guns is also intensified by the media. The media has played a bad role in showcasing to the world, how effective it could be in protecting you from any form of danger.

It has also implanted in the minds of people, how they should use a gun to react when they are threatened.

This obsessive love for guns have also affected children. As a matter of fact, if you see a child with a gun, there is a likely chance that the closest adult nearby would be the owner of the gun.

This is however careless because children are individuals who like to test new and fascinating things, and owing to the fact that they have seen it used at some point on the Television, they would want to give it a try.

Not everyone is allowed to keep a gun, except if you have got a license, and when you do, there are certain rules and regulations which you need to stick with while in possession of the gun. One of such rules is keeping it away from the reach of children.

If a child is found in possession of a gun, there are certain disciplinary measures which awaits both the guardian of the child, and the owner of the gun, which in most cases, is the same person.

Hence, for parents and guardians to avoid this, they need to ensure they keep guns hidden away in plain sight from children. These guns should only be used when there is a need for it.

Keeping guns away from children is one of the best ways to reduce the mortality rate, because there is no telling what they could do with it, when it is in their possession.


There are some people who are fascinated with guns, which has been regarded as gun addiction by some quarters. However, there are other school of thoughts which believe that, there is nothing like gun addiction, and those who love guns are better referred to as gun enthusiasts.

In North America for instance, there is an increasing rate of gun violence, and there have been rising talks concerning the banning of guns or not. There is also a controversy concerning the ownership of guns based on the fact that that gun violence is on the rise, and people feel it is because some jurisdictions have permitted private gun ownership and use as well.

A good number of people are of the opinion that, the permit application processes behind gun ownership, is not enough, as more should be added in order to make the screening process more profound. They believe that if this is not in place, guns would end up in the hands of people who are not mentally stable, and it could serve as a force for ending the lives of innocent citizens.

Also, it also suggests that there would be an increase in the rate of violent crimes which are committed in the state. Hence, the screening process needs to be tighter than before. It is easy for you to spot a gun addict.

The individual would want to go everywhere with a gun. The individual has this fear that, if he does not go along with his gun often, he might be greeted with a surprise attack, wherein he would not be able to defend himself. Hence, there comes a need to possess a gun and be with it from time to time.

People such as this are certainly mentally unstable, as they have this fear of insecurity. At any small instance, you might be surprised that these people would pull out their guns and point at anyone who serves as a potential threat to them.

Gun addiction is basically a compulsive and obsessive desire to possess and own a gun at will. It is very dangerous and should not be encouraged, as people in this category are usually not mentally stable.

Fascination with Guns

gun addictionEnthusiasm for guns is more controversial than it ever has been. This is due to higher than ever rates of gun violence in North America. Gun bans have been discussed at great lengths but currently the right for citizens to bare arms is still in place. The fascination with guns is also at an all time high, with personal collectors investing higher and higher amounts into their gun collections, partly due to gun ownership rights being in question. The desire to collect guns is harmless when the collector is a responsible gun owner, and a great many people are.

Handguns are the most widely collected type of gun in North America. Handguns are used in indoor shooting practice and ranges, as well as in outdoor spaces where firearms are permitted. They are the most recreational of guns and are used for a variety of outdoor purposes. Rifles and shotguns are used more for defense and hunting purposes.

The controversy over gun ownership arises due to increased gun violence in jurisdictions that permit private gun ownership. Many people currently feel that gun permit application processes are not careful enough in their screening. Subsequently, dangerous weapons are ending up in the hands of mentally ill and malicious people. This is a valid concern as it puts the public at risk of violent crimes. It raises the question of who should have access to guns, and what kind of guns. Having a passion for guns and building a collection to be used safely is fine, however,  having an obsession with guns that makes a person overly focused on them is not.

Fascination with Sharp Weapons

sword, knife and blade addictionPeople have a variety of hobbies and collections. Some people collect stamps, some people collect antique spoons and some people collect sharp things. Particularly men, but often times women as well, will take an interest in switchblades, knives, swords and other sharp weaponry. People come into a fascination for sharp weapons through a variety of ways. Perhaps they were raised to be outdoor savvy, or perhaps they felt the need to be able to defend themselves in some situations. Regardless, building a collection of sharp weapons can become a lifelong vocation and passion.

Switchblades and knives are very similar. They are both handheld and multipurpose. A switchblade is a type of knife that is not legal everywhere because of how popular it is among perpetrators of violent crimes. Switchblades are mechanisms that conceal the knife blade until a trigger releases it and it springs out. They are popular among perpetrators of violent crimes because they can go undetected and fit in small compartments on a person. Knives may have retractable blades or non-retractable blades and range in size but can always be held with one hand.

Swords are often a separate collection, but enthusiasts of sharp weapons frequently have them among their collection. Swords are also handheld but the blade is much longer than that of a knife and is not retractable. Swords are most commonly known for their historical use in war and in ancient civilizations. They are collector’s pieces when they are brand new for their craftsmanship and when they are old for their history.

Real sharp weaponry enthusiasts may spend money, join tournaments, subscribe to magazines and belong to organizations with fellow enthusiasts. Many people who are passionate about sharp weaponry spend their lives devoted to collecting pieces, becoming educated in sharp weaponry and participating in activities that allow them to use their sharp weapons. As long as it does not become an unhealthy obsession, it can be very rewarding.

Weaponry Fascination Normal or Unhealthy?

weaponry addictSome people, men and women alike, take a very strong liking to various forms of weaponry. The weaponry may range from machetes to torture devices to ancient weapons to machine guns, but knives and guns tend to be the focus of many weapon enthusiast’s fascinations, typically because they are the most accessible. It is not uncommon for a person to become so interested in these forms of weaponry that they begin their own collection, subscribe to relevant magazines and have hobbies that include using their weapons recreationally, either for hunting or some other sport. But what happens when interest turns into weaponry obsession? Is the hobby still harmless?

When a person transitions from taking a harmless interest in weaponry to obsessing over it, things can turn sketchy. First of all, to be obsessed with or addicted to anything in life is to be mentally unhealthy. The key to good mental health is balance and balance cannot be achieved in the midst of addiction. A person who obsesses over their weaponry collection to the extent of only wanting to spend their time talking about it or playing with it is likely doing so at the cost of their personal relationships, life obligations and reputation. It is one thing to have a hobby but it is quite another to have a treatable addiction.

Some people take their fanatacism to another level. They begin to guard their personal weaponry collection and become paranoid about all the ways they may have to use it. Many weapons collectors are also conspiracy theorists and believers in imminent apocalyptic events. It can be dangerous for people of this mindset to possess as many weapons as they do. It is not uncommon for this type of person to resort to use of their weapons in any stressful situation, regardless of whether it is appropriate or not. There is nothing wrong with being an avid collector of weapons, but it is a hobby that requires levelheadedness and scope.