Weaponry Fascination Normal or Unhealthy?
Some people, men and women alike, take a very strong liking to various forms of weaponry. The weaponry may range from machetes to torture devices to ancient weapons to machine guns, but knives and guns tend to be the focus of many weapon enthusiast’s fascinations, typically because they are the most accessible. It is not uncommon for a person to become so interested in these forms of weaponry that they begin their own collection, subscribe to relevant magazines and have hobbies that include using their weapons recreationally, either for hunting or some other sport. But what happens when interest turns into weaponry obsession? Is the hobby still harmless?
When a person transitions from taking a harmless interest in weaponry to obsessing over it, things can turn sketchy. First of all, to be obsessed with or addicted to anything in life is to be mentally unhealthy. The key to good mental health is balance and balance cannot be achieved in the midst of addiction. A person who obsesses over their weaponry collection to the extent of only wanting to spend their time talking about it or playing with it is likely doing so at the cost of their personal relationships, life obligations and reputation. It is one thing to have a hobby but it is quite another to have a treatable addiction.
Some people take their fanatacism to another level. They begin to guard their personal weaponry collection and become paranoid about all the ways they may have to use it. Many weapons collectors are also conspiracy theorists and believers in imminent apocalyptic events. It can be dangerous for people of this mindset to possess as many weapons as they do. It is not uncommon for this type of person to resort to use of their weapons in any stressful situation, regardless of whether it is appropriate or not. There is nothing wrong with being an avid collector of weapons, but it is a hobby that requires levelheadedness and scope.